The Clapper ~ 2020-present

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Vol. 47 No. 1, January, 2020

  • Officers' Reports
  • Peal and Quarter Peal Reports
  • Area Reports
  • Why You Should Visit Honolulu in October
  • Spring Dinner Registration Form - Philadelphia
  • Towers' Festival - Little Rock
  • Tower Bash - Chicago
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Vol. 47 No. 2, April, 2020

  • Roger Savory Obituary
  • Introducing the Ringing Room
  • Philadelphia Quarter Peal Weekend
  • Why should i get an ART Teaching Accrediation?
  • Lost Rings of North America - Frederickton, NB
  • Officers' Reports
  • Peal and Quarter Peal Reports
  • Area Reports
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Vol. 47 No. 3, July, 2020

  • 2020 AGM
  • Lost Rings Around North America
  • Return to Ringing
  • Susan Fera Assman - Obituary
  • Officers' Reports
  • Area Reports
  • Exec Committee Proposal
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Vol. 47 No. 4, October, 2020

  • 2020 AGM minutes
  • AGM report - virtual meeting
  • Central Council AGM Report
  • Roll of Honor
  • Jeff Smith Memorial Young Ringer Award
  • Officers' Interims and other reports
  • The Bells That Never Were
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Ringing Cartoons
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Vol. 48 No. 1, January, 2021

  • Nominations solicited for Jeff Smith Memorial Young Ringer Award
  • Online Resources on Ringing, by Quilla Roth
  • Butlers' Virtual Tour Reunion, by Nancy Pichiotino
  • Obituaries: Sister Elise, Sidney Woodcock, Edna Farthing
  • Photos from Days Gone By
  • Officers' Reports
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Ringing Cartoons
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Vol. 48 No. 2, April, 2021

  • Obituaries of Linda Woodford, Roland Perschon, Ken Ballou, Geoff Bagley, William Wakeland, Sue Thompson, and Alan Ellis
  • My Road to 100 Peals, by John W. King
  • Celebrating 30 years of change ringing at St. Andrews Cathedral in Honolulu, by Sasha Bley-Vroman
  • Ascension Church's (Rochester) Ringing Room Tapestry, by Helen Haller
  • Ringing Podcasts, by Matthew Austin
  • Report of the 2021 Seven Towers Festival (Online), by Allen Nunley
  • Area Reports
  • Peal and Quarter Peal Records
  • The return of the Tale Ends column
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Vol. 48 No. 3, July, 2021

  • Alan Ellis, Obituary
  • Sally Cook, obituary
  • New Website for NAGCR
  • 2021 Hybrid AGM Announcement
  • 40th +1 Anniversary of St Martin's bells
  • Celebrating Two Retirements
  • Bells and the 4th of July
  • Officers' Reports
  • Peals and Quarters
  • Area Reports
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Vol. 48 No. 4, October, 2021

  • Report and Minutes of the 2021 NAGCR AGM
  • Report from the 2021 Central Council AGM
  • Obituaries: Constance (Connie) Black Engle, David Henry, John Wilson Price, Tom Graf
  • Officer Reports
  • Area Reports
  • Proposal to Award Honorary Life Membership to Diane Amison-Loring
  • Proposed By-Law Amendments concerning timing of ballots
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Vol. 49 No. 1, January, 2022

  • In Memory of Bruce Butler (Brian Zook)
  • Three-Person Tower Tour (Bill Cummings)
  • Steeple Keeper's Diary (Katarina Whimsey! and Josh Burson)
  • Save the date: 2022 AGM Oct. 8, 2022
  • The Awkward Path to Publicity in the Chicago Tribune (Tom Farthing)
  • Need Some Money for your Bell Project? (Allen Nunley)
  • Officer Reports
  • Peal Reports
  • Area Reports
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Vol. 49 No. 2, Spring, 2022

  • Bruce Butler Obituary, by B. Zook, A. Leeves, C. Wichowski, H. Haller, G. Myles, and J. Burson
  • Rex Quondam Rexque Futurus, In Praise of Bruce Butler, by Elizabeth Wein
  • Bruce Butler: A Remembrance, by Eileen Butler
  • Bruce Butler, Tour Leader Extraordinaire, by Helen D. Haller
  • Bruce Butler Memorial Weekend, by Josh Burson
  • George Walton Williams Obituary
  • Gordon Stuart Peek Obituary
  • Fred E. Dukes International Bell Fund Favors Christ Church (Raleigh) Project, by Ed Futcher
  • Ringing Education in North America -- Looking Forward
  • Area Reports
  • Officer Reports
  • Performances
  • Tale Ends
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Vol. 49 No. 3, Summer, 2022

  • A New Method of Bell Ringing: Using Mathematica to Discover Wolf Wrap - Stan Wagon
  • AGM Ringing Course Announcement
  • Bringing a Little Aloha to Hereford - Patrick Nguyen & Richard Harris
  • Ringing Education in North America - Survey Status Update
  • The Journey of the Bells - Background on a possible new tower in Wisconsin - Canon Joseph A. Kucharski
  • A Grand Day Out - Smith Area Meeting, May 28 - Katrina Whimsy!
  • Indianapolis Ringfest 2022: A Photo Essay - Bill Cummings
  • Time for a Change - Calling up or down - John Mabe
  • Officer Reports
  • Peal Reports
  • Area Reports
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Vol. 49 No. 4, Autumn, 2022

  • 50th Anniversary Congratulations from Central Council - Simon Linford
  • Minutes of 51st Annual General Meeting, Raleigh, NC
  • Letters from founding members on occaision of the 50th anniversary of the Guild
  • List of founding members
  • 50th Anniversary AGM Report - Raleigh Ringers
  • Officer reports
  • Brief Summary of Ringing Education in North America Survey
  • Report of Central Council Represenatives of CCCBR Annual General Meeting, 2022 - Eileen Butler, Beverly Faber, Chris Haller
  • Rambling Ringers Tour reports - Michael Tartell, Sue O'Neill
  • Ringing for the Queen, Washington Old Post Office Tower, Spring, 1991 - John W. King
  • Belfrey Upkeep - a new online resource by the CCCBR - Allen Nunley
  • Ringing for Two Monarchs - Alan H. Batten
  • Tom Farthing (and friends) Visit Quebec: A Photo Essay - Donna McEwen, photos by D. McEwen, D. Mendel, and L. Ward
  • Peals and Other Performances
  • Area Reports
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Vol. 50 No. 1, Winter, 2023

  • Nominations open for Jeff Smith Memorial Young Ringer Awrd
  • Update on Ringing Education in North America - REDD Team
  • Update on the Trumplers - Mark Trumpler
  • Westminster Abbey Ringing Weekend Announcement - Brother Joshua Rosario
  • Area Reports and Officer Updates
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Vol. 50 No. 2, Spring, 2023

  • NAGCR Support in Recruitment - Yolande Hasselo
  • Bruce Butler Memorial Ringing Weekend Report - Miriam Dixon & Laveita Brinson
  • Kalamazoo Ringing Weekend Report - In memory of Linda Woodford - Kit Almy
  • Our Foreign Correspondents - Jay Laedlein
  • Announcement: Westminster Abbey Ringing Weekend
  • Bells, Ringing, Cemeteries: Ringing-Inspired Haiku in Québec - Donna McEwen
  • Peal, Officer, & Area Reports
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Vol. 50 No. 3, Summer, 2023

  • Dorothy Meacham obituary - Rosalie Crouch
  • Madeline Reeder obituary - Stuart Piper
  • Taming the Jumping Rope - Yolande Hasselo
  • Martial Arts and Bell Ringing: Cross Training - Nenad (Ned) Rava
  • No Need to Bolt the Door - Charles Rumford
  • The First All-North-American Peal of 41 Spliced Surprise Minor - Leland Reimer
  • Handbell Ringing in Orleans: Zero to 1260 in Two Hours - Ed Futcher
  • A Little Bit on Learning to Ring - Maisy Hoffman
  • The Seven Towers Festival: Tuneful Tutelage At Trinity - Sandy Miller Hays
  • The 11th Annual Illinois Tower Bell Bash:A Newbie’s Perspective - Haley Barnett
  • Quebec Ringing Weekend (May 26—29) - Josh Burson & John Bihn
  • Handbells in Anchorage (a.k.a. far, far Northwest Houston) - Lynsey Slavonic
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Vol 50 No. 4, Autumn, 2023

  • Minutes of 2023 Annual General Meeting
  • Returning to Toronto: The Annual General Meeting, 2023 - Josh Burson
  • Central Council of Church Bell Ringers - Annual General Meeting 2023 - Beverly Faber
  • Dedication of New Bells for Chicago's Mitchell Tower - Helen Haller
  • The Other Westminster Abbey (Canada): An Extraordinary Love Story (reprinted from The Ringing World) - Yolande Hasselo
  • NAGCR Support in Recruitment & Retention - Yolande Hasselo
  • Sixty Years Ago (in Washington) - Rick Dirksen
  • Kent Area Meeting: A Photo Collage
  • Ringing Learner's Report - Hannah Desrosiers
  • Veterans Day: Anniversary of NAGCR Record Long Length of Erin Caters - John W. King
  • David Smith Visits North America - Josh Burson
  • Obituary: Robert Francis McDonald, 1943-2023 - Sue Clopper
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Vol. 51 No. 1, Winter, 2024

  • Tackling the “Wicked Problem” of Recruitment & Retention - Yolande Hassel
  • Déjà vu - New Castle - Eileen Butler
  • Creating Double Beryl - Josh Burson
  • Thoughts from a Change Ringer When Asked: Interview of Carl Classen - Peggy Raish
  • Seven Towers Festival 2024 Registration Form
  • From “A Gal in Kalamazoo” - Yolande Hasselo
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Vol. 51 No. 2, Spring, 2024

  • Bells & Beacons to Mark D-Day - Donna McEwen, Yolande Hasselo, Tina Stoecklin
  • Recruitment & Retention: Proactive Publicity - Tom Farthing
  • On Teaching: Slow or Delay? - David Smith
  • The Second Annual Bruce Butler Memorial Ringing Weekend - Eileen Butler
  • First Peal of Chandler’s 23 Rung by a North American Band - Kira Chase
  • Interest and Stability Key to First Peal - Micah Walter
  • Houston January Bell Bash /Allen Nunley’s 50th Anniversary of Ringing - Allen Nunley
  • Invitation to 2024 AGM - Sewanee
  • Update on Milwuakee - Seth Raymond
  • Obituaries: Peter Trotman (by Beverly Faber), George Van Kirk Waldron (by Allen Nunley)