The Clapper ~ 2000-2009

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Vol. 27 No. 1, Winter, 2000

  • Letters
  • ASCY Canada 2000 Tour
  • Officer Columns
  • Report of Charleston AGM 1999
  • Minutes of the AGM
  • Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
  • Plans for 2000 AGM in Hawaii
  • Obituary of Ernest Edwin (Ted) Lee
  • Quarter Peal Weekend Plans
  • Conducting One's First Quarter Peal
  • Fred E. Dukes International Bell Fund
  • Visiting Abilene
  • The Bells of St. Mark's Philadelphia
  • Area Reports
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Book Service Offerings
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Vol. 27 No. 2, Spring, 2000

  • In Memoriam: J. Michael Simpson
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Officers' Columns
  • Summary Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
  • GCNA Website Supports NAGCR
  • Ringing in the Millennium
  • Toronto Peals by Itself
  • Philadelphia Spring Dinner
  • Sallies Retire to Honolulu
  • AGM 2000 Plans for Honolulu
  • Diary of a Clapper
  • Ringers' Excuses: It's Not My Fault, Really
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Updates
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Vol. 27 No. 3, Summer, 2000

  • St. Luke's Bell Tower Nears Completion
  • Alice W. Shurcliffe Obituary
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Bell's Birthday Barbecue Bash
  • College Youths' Country Meeting: Canada 2000
  • A Visit to Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
  • Philadelphia Party Patrol Invades New England
  • St. Neot 1999: An Exile's View
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarters
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Membership Application Form
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Vol. 27 No. 4, Autumn, 2000

  • NAGCR Annual Meeting 2000
  • NAGCR Election 2000
  • Officers' Columns
  • Images of the AGM
  • Minutes of the AGM
  • Interim Officers' Reports
  • Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
  • Where Are We to Get Our Ringers
  • What I Did at Bell Camp
  • Fred E. Dukes International Bell Fund
  • The Tower Bells of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Little Rock
  • A Kalamazoo Weekend: Why the Queen Mum Will Have to Wait Another Year
  • The Eagle Screamed
  • NAG Quarter Peal Weekend
  • 10th Annual Butler Tour: A Squirrel's View
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Guild Book Service Offerings
  • Clapper Submission Guidelines
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Vol. 28 No. 1, Winter, 2001

  • NAGCR Striking Competition 2000: Two Views
  • Officer Columns
  • Dedication Weekend -- Atlanta
  • Conducting for New Conductors
  • The Tower Bells of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Part IV
  • Announcement of Toronto 12-bell Weekend
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Membership Updates
  • Guild Book Service Offerings
  • Clapper Submission Guideliines
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Vol. 28 No. 2, Spring, 2001

  • Tower Maintenance in Charleston
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Officers' Columns
  • Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
  • Quarter Peal Weekend
  • Surprise Major Weekend
  • The Tower Bells of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
  • Toronto AGM Options
  • The Lost Rings of America: Baltimore
  • Event Application Forms
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Clapper Submission Guidelines
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Vol. 28 No. 3, Summer, 2001

  • Perpetual Peal Panic: Saint Martin's 20th Anniversary Peal
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Officers' Columns
  • Central Council Report
  • The Tower Bells of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
  • Listening to Ringing
  • Honolulu's Tenth Anniversary
  • Bells in Literature
  • Arkansas Tower Linked to Marietta
  • Grace Church Ringers Tour the UK
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarters
  • Membership Information Updates
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Vol. 28 No. 4, Fall, 2001

  • Ring Toronto: The 2001 AGM
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Officers' Columns
  • Condolences: The Ringing Community Responds
  • Summary of Executive Committee Meetings
  • Minutes of the NAGCR AGM
  • 99 Peals +1
  • In Philadelphia, Spring Came Late This Year
  • Touring the North of England
  • A Holiday with Some Ringing in the Southern States
  • The Tower Bells of Trinity Espiscopal Cathedral
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarters
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Guild Book Service Offerings
  • Membership Application Form
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Vol. 29 No. 1, Winter, 2002

  • New Cathedral Eight in Charleston
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Officers' Columns
  • Emily Takes Charleston
  • Christ Church Raleigh Restoration Complete
  • Two Yanks at Sparsholt
  • The Heifer Bowl Remains in Marietta
  • 2002 AGM -- Philadelphia!
  • A Love Story
  • Vernal Equinox Registration Form
  • Three Towers Registration Form
  • The Twoer Bells of Trinity Episcopal CAthedral
  • Fund Drive for Pewaukee Tower
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Guild Book Service Offerings
  • Clapper Submission Guildelines
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Vol. 29 No. 2, Spring, 2002

  • Obituary of David C.B. Mills
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Officers Columns
  • And Did Bare Feet in Ancient Time: A Poem by David Wiedner
  • David Mills: A Tribute to a Friend
  • Westminster Abbey, Mission City, Meeting
  • Quarter Peal Weekend
  • Top Ten Breaches of Ringing Etiquette
  • Amphibian Ringing Society: Fact or Fiction? Coming to a Sleazy Network Near You!!!
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Ring of One Follows the Sun: The Tale of the New Castle Cow Bell -- A Poem by Sue Clopper
  • Membership Information Update
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Vol. 29 No. 3, Summer, 2002

  • The Carmel Campanile
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Officer Columns
  • Central Council Report
  • Calgary's Memorial to the Queen Mother
  • Victoria Day Weekend 2002 Report
  • If This is Tuesday . . . The Trumpler Tour
  • The Morrison Tour
  • The Bells' Birthday Barbeque Bash
  • Quebec Weekend 2002
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarters
  • Top 10 Ways to Drive the Ringing Tour Leader Crazy
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Guild Book Service Offerings
  • Clapper Submission Guidelines
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Vol. 29 No. 4, Fall, 2002

  • The Bells of Southminster
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Officers' Columns
  • Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
  • MInutes of the AGM
  • Interim Reports of the Officers
  • AGM 2002: Philadelphia
  • Canadian Jubilee 2002
  • The Cumberlands' Country Meeting
  • In Loving Memory: Ethel Margaret Izard Twining
  • David Cyril Bertram Mills: A Tribute Delivered at the Memorial Service
  • High Times on the Downs
  • The Keele Ringing Course
  • Notes from the Back of the Bus
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Almost a Bourdon Bell Quarter Peal
  • Guild Book Service Offerings
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Vol. 30 No. 1, Winter, 2003

  • 2002 Striking Competition
  • Officer Columns
  • Anniversary Celebrations in Miami
  • Hells Bells
  • Dolphins Break Surface, Hold 1st World Tour
  • The Pinx Tour
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Book Service Offerings
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Vol. 30 No. 2, Spring, 2003

  • The Surprise Weekend
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Obituary of Bernard H. Cook
  • Officers Columns
  • A Useful Next Step for Doubles Bands
  • Not Just a Plain Course
  • My First Quarter Peal Weekend
  • New Castle Dinner 2002
  • If the Bells Won't Come to You, You'll Have to Go to the Bells
  • From The Clapper
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarters
  • Membership Information
  • Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
  • Membership Application Form
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Vol. 30 No. 3, Summer, 2003

  • Upcoming Events
  • Officers Columns
  • Central Council Meeting
  • Memories of a '43er
  • A Course of Ringing in Kent, or, Cue the Queen's Quarter
  • Philadelphia Annual Celebration of the Vernal Equinox
  • Augmentation to 6 of the 3 at St. James, Dallas
  • Toronto 12-Bell Weekend
  • Circling the Cathedral
  • 2003 Three Towers Festival and Course in Houston
  • Ten Interesting Things about Kalamazoo (for Change Ringers)
  • A Ringer's Fate: A Poem by Aileen Murphy
  • Conductors' Corner: An Alternative Approach to Calling Stedman Triples
  • The Wendell Blake Trophy
  • From The Clapper
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Update
  • NAGCR Striking Competition
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Vol. 30 No. 4, Fall, 2003

  • 25th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Bells at St. James, Hendersonville
  • Bill Woodruff Remembered
  • Upcoming Events
  • From the President
  • Officers Columns
  • Letters to the Editor: Catching the Sally with the Tail around the Back
  • AGM Kalamazoo 2003
  • Minutes of the NAGCR AGM 2003
  • Ring Around Charleston Announcement
  • Mutant Method Weekend: A Poem by Aileen Murphy
  • Ringing Roadshow 2003
  • Perspectives from the Other Side of the Atlantic
  • Conductor's Corner: A Quarter Peal of Grandsire Triples
  • Innocents Abroad -- A Ringing Tale: Or Why Would You Go to Wantage to Learn to Ring?
  • Area Reports
  • Interim Reports of the Executive Committee
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
  • Membership Information Update
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Vol. 31 No. 1, Winter, 2004

  • Striking Competition 2003
  • Future Events
  • Officer Columns
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Thoughts on Bell Control
  • Conductor's Corner: Calling Extents of Stedman Doubles
  • Second Spring in Australia
  • Handbell Book Reviews
  • Audio and Video Rentals
  • The Clapper Survey (Early Results)
  • Top Ten Reasons to Ignore Your Ringing Friends' Good Ideas
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
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Vol. 31 No. 2, Spring, 2004

  • Impressions of Ring Around Charleston
  • Officers' Columns
  • Obituary of Martyn W. Harbott
  • Memories of Martyn Harbott
  • Ring Around Charleston: A Ringing Success
  • The Old Post Office Tower: Not Your Average Ring of Bells
  • Guidelines to Tower Etiquette
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Striking Competition Rules
  • Thoughts on the Striking Competitions
  • Of Headstocks, Gudgeons, Clapper Joints, of Stays and Twiddle Pins
  • Dear Diary: A Guild to the Ringer's Diary
  • Area Reports
  • Officers' Reports
  • Peals and Quarters
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
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Vol. 31 No. 3, Summer, 2004

  • Three Cheers for the Four Towers Festival
  • Officers' Columns
  • Way Down Upon the Sewanee Tower
  • Remembrance of Shirley Harris
  • First Peal for Pittsburgh
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Calgary Homecoming: 50 Years of Bells in Calgary
  • Area Reports
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Updates
  • Peach of a New Ring in Georgia
  • Four Towers Festival Report
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Vol. 31 No. 4, Autumn, 2004

  • Ringing the Red Line in Washington DC
  • Quebec City Peal Weekend
  • Central Council Report
  • Announcement of NAG Chat Group
  • A Virginia Gentleman in Bruce Butler's Bus
  • Area Reports
  • Summary of Executive Committee Meeting
  • Officers' Columns
  • Minutes of the AGM
  • Interim Reports of Officers
  • AGM photos
  • Peals and Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Updates
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Vol. 32 No. 1, Winter, 2005

  • A Dream Comes True in Sewanee
  • Officer Columns
  • Report of Dedication of Augusta Bells
  • Toronto to the Max: First Peal on Twelve by NA Band in Toronto
  • Toronto's First Quarter Peal on 12
  • Raleigh Striking Competition
  • Official NAG Chat Group
  • Registration for Philadelphia Vernal Equinox Ringing
  • Registration for Four Towers Festival
  • Area Reports
  • Random Access
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Membership Information Update
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Vol. 32 No. 2, Spring, 2005

  • A Celebration of the Vernal Equinox
  • Message from the President
  • Election Results
  • "A Quarter Peal Weekend in the Grand Tradition"
  • Upcoming Events
  • Invitation to Quebec City Weekend
  • NAGCR Executive Committee Conference Call
  • Invitation to Toronto 12-bell Weekend
  • "Houston. Labor Day. Heat.": Invitation to Three Towers
  • Submission Guidelines
  • HLM Proposals
  • "Undersea Ringing: An Octopus Surfaces"
  • Area Reports
  • Random Access
  • The Fortune Cookie Game
  • Peals & QPs
  • Member Contact Information
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Vol. 32 No. 3, Summer, 2005

  • Toronto 12-Bell Weekend Report
  • The President's Message
  • Constitution Committee Report
  • Four Towers Festival 2005 Poem
  • Upcoming Events
  • CCCBR Report
  • Four Towers Reminder
  • Ring Around Charleston Invitation
  • The Hapless Society
  • Phiiadelphia Bells Barbeque Birthday Bash
  • Money Matters -- Your Choice
  • Washington Three Tower Tour
  • Walking and Ringing in Wales
  • Area Reports
  • Random Access
  • Peals & QPs
  • Member Contact Updates
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Vol. 32 No. 4, Autumn, 2005

  • "Go Houston"
  • Letters
  • Obituary of G. Patrick H. Vernon
  • Upcoming Events
  • Book Review: "Coonducting and Coursing Order"
  • First Annual Individual Striking Competition, Kalamazoo
  • Don Trumpler's Western Canada Peal Band Tour
  • A Visit to Charleston
  • The 2005 Butler Tour
  • Constitution Committee Report
  • Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
  • Interim Officer Reports
  • Photo Gallery
  • Citations for Election to HLM
  • Officer Candidate Statements
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & QPs
  • Membership Update Information
  • Submission Guildelines
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Vol. 33 No. 1, Winter, 2006

  • The Bells of Holy Rosary Cathedral
  • Letters
  • NAGCR Election Results
  • Yesteryear in the Clapper
  • Upcoming Events
  • Ring Around Charleston Announcement
  • Membership Information
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & QPs
  • Book Service Offerings
  • Member Contact Updates
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Vol. 33 No. 2, Spring, 2006

  • The Church of the Good Shepard -- Wilde Bells
  • Officer Columns
  • Report of the Constitution Committee
  • Philadelphia Quarter Peal Weekend 2006
  • Random Access
  • The Kermode Bear
  • Obituary of J. Arthur Izard
  • Obituary of Dr. Robert Alan Verrey
  • Planning for 2006 AGM
  • Area Reports
  • Actions of the NAGCR Executive Committee
  • Some Murphy's Laws
  • Top 10 Ways the Lord Mayor of Westminster Confused the DC Ringers
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Member Information Updates
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Vol. 33 No. 3, Summer, 2006

  • Obituary of Derek Miles Sawyer
  • Upcoming Events
  • Letters
  • CCCBR Report
  • Plans for AGM in Vancouver & Victoria
  • Actions of the NAGCR Executive Committee
  • The Bells of Birmingham
  • Fourth Annual Minnesota Handbell Weekend Report
  • "To Strengthen Ringing in North America"
  • Five Towers Ringing Festival Report
  • Random Access
  • Area Reports
  • Member Contact Updates
  • Peals & QPs
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Vol. 33 No. 4, Autumn, 2006

  • Report of AGM in British Columbia
  • Officer Columns
  • "Learning to Ring Derek Sawyer's Way"
  • Letters to the Editor
  • "Ringing a la Mode"
  • Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
  • Report of the Peal Books Project Team
  • Report on Central Council
  • Interim Report of the Executive Committee
  • Minutes of the 2006 AGM
  • Officer Nominations
  • Candidate & Incumbent Statements
  • HLM Nominations
  • Roll of Honor Elections by the Executive Committee
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Area Reports
  • "Turn Around When Possible" -- Butler Tour Report
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Vol. 34 No. 1, January, 2007

  • The English Ringer of the 'Boston Guild'
  • Appeal for Clapper Archives
  • Ringing for funeral of Gerald Ford
  • Bells of Old North history
  • Report of 2007 Flying Pig Festival in Houston
  • Name the Ringers
  • Officer Columns
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Area Reports
  • Membership Updates
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Vol. 34 No. 2, April, 2007

  • Thirty Years of Ringing Together n Victoria
  • Call for Nominations
  • Officer Columns
  • Report of the Executive Committee
  • DVD Review: "Craft of Bellringing"
  • More on the Archives Appeal
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Report of the southeastern Palm Sunday Workshop
  • Announcement of upcoming AGM
  • Announcement of 12-Bell Weekend
  • Report of Philadelphia events
  • "When we are Four"
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Membership Updates
  • Striking Competition Announcement & Rules
  • Registration Forms for AGM, Course, & Competition
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Vol. 34 No. 3, July, 2007

  • Seventeen Years of Butler Tours
  • Schedule of Upcoming Events
  • Officer Columns
  • Executive Committee Report
  • AGM Plans
  • Proposed Budget for 2008
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Name the Ringers
  • Area Reports
  • Butler 'WAGOS' Tour Report
  • "All's Well that Ends Well"
  • "St. Louis University Ringing"
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Member Updates
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Vol. 34 No. 4, October, 2007

  • 2007 NoGA AGM Report
  • Upcoming Events Schedule
  • Officer Columns
  • Obituary for The Rev. Myles W. Edwards
  • Report of the Constitution Committee
  • Interim Report of the Executive Committee
  • Report and Actions of the Executive Committee
  • Statement of Financial Position
  • AGM Minutes
  • Proposed Constitution Committee
  • Presentation of Finances
  • Officer Candidate Statements
  • Area Reports
  • "The Bells of Stetson Chapel Reach 500"
  • "It Was Awesome"
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • Name the Ringers
  • Member Updates
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Vol. 35 No. 1, January, 2008

  • "Treble's Gone" -- 2007 Striking Competition
  • Officers' Reports
  • Election Results
  • The Towers of the SouthWest
  • New Towers
  • Name the Ringer
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & QPs
  • New Dues and Subscription Rates
  • Birmingham's First Quarter Peal
  • St. Martin's in the Field's 500th QP
  • 20th Anniversary of Raleigh Bells
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Vol. 35 No. 2, April, 2008

  • Seattle Ring in Process
  • Toronto Wedding
  • "Start Spreading the News" -- SRCY in NYC
  • 25th Anniversary of Old North Rehanging
  • Vernal Equinox Weekend in Philadelphia
  • Name the Place
  • The NorthEast Towers
  • Area Reports
  • Peals & QPs
  • Officers' Columns
  • Miami AGM Update
  • Executive Committtee Meeting Minutes
  • Five Towers Festival Report
  • Naming of Terrible Towel Treble Bob Major (Pittsburgh)
  • Little Rock 25th Anniversary
  • Annual QP Weekend
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Vol. 35 No. 3, July, 2008

  • From the President
  • Miami AGM info
  • Central Council Representative Report
  • A Day in Old New Castle
  • From the Public Relations Officer
  • Philly Bells Birthday BBQ Bash
  • From the Education Officer
  • 6th Annual Minnesota Handbell Weekend
  • Quarter Peal Analysis
  • From the Treasurer
  • Name the Ringers
  • Butler Tour 2008
  • Education Survey Analysis
  • NCS Rings Around the UK
  • Towers of the Lakes Region
  • Cathedral Bells for Shreveport
  • View of Seattle's Bells
  • Area Reports
  • From the Peal Secretary
  • Peals
  • Quarter Peals
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Vol. 35 No. 4, October, 2008

  • "The Little Tower that Could" -- Miami AGM
  • AGM Minutes
  • Officers' Interim Reports
  • Actions of the Executive Committee
  • Honor Roll -- Gordon Peek
  • HLM Nominees
  • Name the Bells
  • "Improving Ringing Skills"
  • Getting Acquainted with Russian Bells and Ringers
  • Pittsburgh Ringing Course
  • Arthur Nichols' & Change Ringing in Boston
  • Butlers' September Tour
  • New Website Preview
  • Area Reports
  • Visit to the Netherlands
  • Peals & QPs
  • Review: "England's Child"
  • 30th Anniversary Ringing in Hendersonville
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Vol. 36 No. 1, January, 2009

  • "A True 5040" -- Trumpler Golden Anniversary
  • First Local Peal at Trinity NYC
  • Officers' Columns
  • NAGCR Tutorial Funds Program
  • Bell Ringing at Smith College
  • "A Picture is Truly Worth 2009 Changes"
  • "Troubling Trend" -- Philip Earis
  • Surprise Weekend at Brewster
  • "Name the Ringers
  • Area Reports
  • "Teamwork in the Belfry" -- New Clappers for the Advent
  • Peals & QPs
Cover image of this issue

Vol. 36 No. 2, April, 2009

  • US Presidential Inauguration Ringing in DC and elsewhere
  • Bill Jackson Remembered
  • Surprise Workshop
  • Quarter Peal Weekend
  • Spring Dinner
  • NYC AGM Update
  • Area Reports
  • Officers Columns
  • "Name the Place"
  • Letter to the Editor about Yale towers
  • Toronto Visitors to the UK
  • Peal & QP Reports
Cover image of this issue

Vol. 36 No. 3, July, 2009

  • Remembering Bill Jackson
  • Officer's Columns
  • Call for 2009 AGM
  • Ask the Clapper!
  • At First You Don't Succeed
  • Five Towers Festival 2009
  • NAGCR Executive Committee Report
  • Yale Update
  • The First Steel City Ringing Festival
  • Birthday Party in Philly
  • Toronto Twelve Weekend 2009
  • Name the Ringers
  • Report of NAGCR Reps to the CCCBR
  • Thoughts and Wandering in Worcester
  • Area Reports
  • Kalamazoo's Silver Anniversary Peal
  • Peals and Quarters
  • Guild Book Service Offerings
Cover image of this issue

Vol. 36 No. 4, October, 2009

  • NYC AGM Report & Photos
  • Obituaries: Bob Stokes & Paul Cattermole
  • Name the Place
  • Butler Tour 2009
  • Post Your News While It's New
  • Ringing in Cape Cod
  • Officers Columns
  • Peals & Quarter Peals
  • From the Archivist
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Area Reports
  • SCRY Weekend